Diabetes Patients Are Different

Event Date:

Dec 14, 2021 • 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST (-05:00)

CME has been approved for up to 2 contact hours

This 2-hour event will explore what makes a patient with diabetes different. We will discuss new methods of wound and amputation prevention, patient engagement in diabetic foot self-care, and highlight the value of the diabetic patient. A round table discussion to follow.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn what makes a patient with diabetes different.
  • Explore new and innovative lower extremity amputation prevention methods.
  • Learn important ways to engage and activate patients with diabetes.
  • Understand the value an engaged diabetes patient can bring to your practice.

This event has been accredited by the Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Foundation as an approved sponsor by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education.


Rich Dubin - Founder of Lerexpo

Robert Frykberg, DPM, MPH, FFPM(Glasg)

Medical Director of DM Prevent Diabetic Foot and Wound Center

Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention: LEAP Back to the Future

December 14, 2021, 06:00 PM – 06:30 PM EST(-05:00)
Robert Frykberg, DPM, MPH, FFPM(Glasg)
Review of studies that are measuring amputation trends related to diabetic complications. Provide physicians a review of the preventative strategies called LEAP (lower extremity amputation prevention) which were drafted in 1992 and studied ever since. Review the International Working Group recommendations published in 2019 for preventing wounds and amputations. Review Comprehensive Diabetic Foot Examination best practices with a focus on new technologies including:

  • Temperature assessment
  • Skin moisture assessments

A discussion about some of the updated treatment options including prophylactic surgical interventions and interdisciplinary treatment teams.

Rich Dubin - Founder of Lerexpo

Dr. Jeffrey Gonzalez

Professor of Psychology, Medicine and Epidemiology & Population Health

Engagement and Activation of Patients for Self-Care of the Diabetic Foot.

December 14, 2021, 06:30 PM – 07:00 PM EST(-05:00)
Dr. Jeffrey Gonzalez
Identification and review of the challenges involved in treatment adherence Unique self-care challenges faced by people with diabetes Review of patient factors common in diabetes which reduces overall adherence. A detailed review of the correlations between non-adherence and outcomes A review of the barriers and facilitators of Foot Self Care

Rich Dubin - Founder of Lerexpo

Jonathan Moore DPM, MS, MA

Managing Partner of the Cumberland Foot and Ankle Centers of Kentucky

Comprehensive Diabetic Foot Examinations in Clinical Practice

December 14, 2021, 07:00 PM – 07:30 PM EST(-05:00)

Jonathan Moore DPM, MS, MA
Understanding the root causes for poor patient compliance.

  • Missed appointments
  • Low health literacy
  • Poor follow up at home

Provide physicians with a deeper understanding of the benefits of creating more engaging patient experiences including:

  • Improvements in patient care
  • Improvements in the financial performance of clinical practice

A review of population health management solutions as they are applied in clinical practice Exploration of the difference between a Comprehensive Diabetic Foot Examination (CDFE) and an At-Risk Diabetic Foot Examination (DFE)

Rich Dubin - Founder of Lerexpo

Robert Frykberg, DPM, MPH, FFPM(Glasg), Jonathan Moore DPM, MS, MA, Dr. Jeffrey Gonzalez, Jason Kraus

Diabetes Expert Discussion

December 14, 2021, 07:30 PM – 08:00 PM EST(-05:00)
Robert Frykberg, DPM, MPH, FFPM(Glasg), Jonathan Moore DPM, MS, MA, Dr. Jeffrey Gonzalez, Jason Kraus
This expert rountadtabe discussion will provide an opporuntiy for Q&A.

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